
The ability to control your bladder is a luxury that most individuals will take for granted, at least until that ability is lost. Suddenly, you may find yourself limiting the activities you once loved to accommodate your frequent and urgent trips to the bathroom. Living with urinary incontinence can seem humiliating, with many people affected by it choosing to suffer in silence rather than seek advice from their healthcare provider. Others will simply accept their condition as an unavoidable consequence of childbirth or their aging body and try their best to manage their symptoms.
If you are living with urinary incontinence, you are not alone. More than 25 million people in the U.S. experience bladder leakage each day; and it affects twice as many women as it does men.
While millions of people are successfully managing and living with their symptoms of urinary incontinence, it is not just a normal part of aging or a condition you have to live with. At Laser Essentials Medical Spa, we are thrilled to offer our patients Emsella by BTL— a nonsurgical and scientifically-backed method to treat urinary incontinence — to empower them to take back control of their bladder and their lives.
What is Emsella?
Emsella is one of the latest developments from the innovative medical device company BTL that offers both women and men a groundbreaking new approach to treating urinary incontinence.
Emsella is the first and only completely noninvasive treatment that is FDA-approved to alleviate urinary incontinence in women and men as well as vaginal laxity in women. In providing entirely noninvasive electromagnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor musculature, patients can restore weak pelvic muscles and regain control of their bladders.
Am I a Good Candidate For Emsella
Emsella by BTL is a suitable option for women and men of any age who desire a nonsurgical, noninvasive and pain-free solution for urinary incontinence and improvement to their quality of life. If you find that you experience leakage when you laugh, sneeze or work out, or experience sudden urges to rush to the bathroom on a regular basis, Emsella may be right for you. In addition to treating incontinence, many women also report experiencing secondary benefits of Emsella, including the increased strength and frequency of orgasms during sex.
You may be a good candidate for Emsella if you have urinary incontinence resulting from factors such as:
- Age
- Childbirth
- Menopause
- Obesity
- Prostatectomy
What Can I Expect From My Emsella Treatment?
When you arrive for your Emsella appointment at Laser Essentials Medical Spa, all you will need to do is sit back and relax in the revolutionary Emsella chair. While you will need to remove any metal from your body, such as jewelry, patients will remain fully clothed and comfortable during Emsella treatments. Once you have been appropriately positioned on the Emsella chair, you will begin to feel the device send gentle waves of high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy into your pelvic floor. Many patients report feeling sensations of tingling and muscle contractions that are more than tolerable during their treatment.
This HIFEM energy works to stimulate thousands of rapid muscle contractions that mimic the muscle movement of Kegel exercises. In fact, one Emsella session provides patients with the equivalent of up to 11,000 Kegel exercises in just 30 minutes. As the contractions strengthen your pelvic floor, your muscles can provide additional support for your bladder and other pelvic organs for immediate improvements to your incontinence symptoms.
Is There Any Downtime Needed After Emsella Treatments?
As a nonsurgical and noninvasive treatment, there is no downtime needed after your Emsella appointments. In fact, many patients will choose to schedule their procedures during their lunch hour and return to work immediately after their treatment is complete. As soon as your Emsella session is over, you can resume your normal activities without any discomfort or disruption to your busy schedule.
How Many Emsella Treatments Will I Need?
Many patients will experience significant improvement in bladder control after just one or two Emsella appointments. However, for most patients, we recommend a series of six Emsella treatment sessions that will occur twice a week for three weeks to achieve their most optimal results. After this initial series of treatments, you may wish to undergo maintenance treatments as needed to prolong any benefits you gain. During your initial consultation, we will tailor a personalized treatment plan to you and your needs, so you know how many Emsella treatment sessions to expect.
What Results Can I Expect From Emsella?
Over the course of your Emsella treatment plan, your pelvic floor will strengthen gradually and your bladder control will return. You may begin to experience noticeable improvements to bladder control and vaginal laxity in as little as a single treatment session, with most optimal results observed after your sixth and final Emsella treatment. Results will continue to improve over the next few weeks with symptoms of urinary incontinence lessened or eliminated entirely.
Female clients may also experience benefits in sexual health, including enhanced lubrication and sensation. According to BTL, 95 percent of patients reported improvements to incontinence and their quality of life after completing their Emsella sessions.
Take Back Control With Laser Essentials
To learn more about Emsella and the many aesthetic services we offer at Laser Essentials Medical Spa, we encourage you to contact us 972-599-0745. During your initial consultation, you and a member of our team will work together to discover what Emsella or our other noninvasive offerings might be able to do for you. Schedule your first appointment with Laser Essentials Medical Spa in Plano, TX today.